Home of "Zoe the Robot"     Last Update 2025-03-03 18:30


Left Column - Links and Images

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Links to Pages for each Robot Section:
Computer Section
Power Section
Drive Section
Wheel Odometry
Control Panel
Local Materials Source
Photos 08 2022
Remote Control Transmitter - Battery Charger
Links Last Verified 4/29/2023
My Chatbot design notes: (on INSTRUCTABLES)
How to make an A.I.

My YouTube Playlist:
Zoe the Robot

My Favorite Robot Web Sites:
X Robots - Open Source bi-ped
Saint Louis Robot Club

Acuitas A.I. A Homemade chat bot using NLP & Linguistics
Jenny's Blog

Electronic Componants:

Jameco Electronics
Digikey Electronics
Mouser Electronics
MPJA Electronics
Pololu Robotic & Electronics
Phidgets: IO boards & Sensors
Super Bright LEDs

Mechanical Robot Parts :

SURPLUS CENTER: Roller Chain & Sprockets
HARBOR FREIGHT: Wheels & Casters

If you have comments, suggestions or questions,
contact me : Zoe@ZoeTheRobot.net
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I like robots with personalities.
I like bedtime stories.
Suzanne Palmer creates robots with personalities, when she writes her stories.
Kate Baker Records stories for Clarkes World Magazine {ClarkesWorldMagazine.COM}
Suzanne wrote these stories, and Kate recorded them. These are some of my favorites.

Bot 9 is the last "Single digit" maintenance robot on the last remaining earth ship. The ship had been mothballed long ago, but was brought back into service for a suicide mission to save our planet. Bot 9 comes up with a plan to complete the mission and save the crew at the same time. The ships AI system and Bot 9 have some interesting discussions about how Bot 9 interprets his orders.

The secret life of bots:

Bots of the lost ark:

To sail beyond the botnet:

Dave is a talking robotic amusement park dinosaur that has a mind of his own. Dave has a plan, but so does Cassie and so does Cassie's evil father.
Cassie thinks she is taking Dave on a harmless road trip in her grease powered police cruiser, but Ted springs his trap.
However, Cassie, Marty and Dave beat the odds, collect some spare dino parts and escape.

Dave's Head:

Each time Joe is wounded in action, he gets intelligent replacement parts.
This humorous story lets us listen in on the conversations between Joe's parts and the central controller.

33% Joe:

End of left column

Right Column - Videos

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32. Learns something new
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31. Zoe discovers another AI Chat Bot

30. Programs to read sensors and communicate with IO

29. Zoe the Robot and the Robinsons

28. ZoeTheRobot - Testing new dialog

27. ZoeTheRobot - Low Voltage Detector

26. ZoeTheRobot - Measure Cell Resistance

25. ZoeTheRobot - Playing Dumb

24. ZoeTheRobot - Whip Lash

23. ZoeTheRobot - Richards Questions

22. ZoeTheRobot - Junk Box Display

21. ZoeTheRobot - Adding Amber Lights

20. Zoe the Robot - After the Repairs

19. ZoeTheRobot - A "Time Stamped" Log.

18. ZoeTheRobot - Learn Mode

17. ZoeTheRobot - Up Close

16. New sound activated light installed

15. I took Zoe all apart for some changes

14. Zoe answers Tom's questions

13. Zoe lists her specifications

12. Zoe seen approaching from the back yard

11. Zoe pretends to be HAL and Robot B9

10. Zoe's custom made Chat-Bot

9. The four major functions in Zoe's software

8. Delay in Zoe's Chat Bot

7. Zoe has a Christmas Message for everyone

6. Zoe the Robot - Stress Test. Nov 2021

5. Zoe the Robot - New Meter / Odometry Aug & Sept 2021

4. Shows the robot, fully stacked, trying to move around in a small room.

3. Shows the robots head motion (3 DOF)

2. Shows the robot being questioned, and the bot's answers

1. Zoe the Robot - Startup and Operation

h1. Zoe The Robot - A home made chat-bot on go-kart wheels

h2. Zoe The Robot - A home made chat-bot on go-kart wheels

h3. Zoe The Robot - A home made chat-bot on go-kart wheels

h4. Zoe The Robot - A home made chat-bot on go-kart wheels