Home of "Zoe the Robot"       Updated 8/15/2024

Missing: Zoe%20The%20Robot%20082600.JPG Zoe is a home-made robot that was built over several years. Zoe uses no "remote compute" - All processing is done on board the robot. Zoe uses two scooter motors for her main drive.
Zoe's motors can be controlled by a hobby-style remote control, or by throwing a switch, the motors can be controlled by software running on her PC. The on-board computer runs Windows 7, MS-SQL server, Nuance Speech Recognition as well as other custom programs. Zoe's personality and wit comes from a custom built "Chat Bot" program that can answer questions and can learn new things that are spoken to her. Zoe knows all of the state capitals, most of the major moons in our solar system, many lines spoken by robots in the movies, and the "Abbott and Costello, Who's on First" comedy routine.
Zoe has both Infrared and ultra-sonic sensors for detecting objects and people all around her. The infrared sensors are mounted in Zoe's head, which can pan, tilt and wobble - if Zoe detects motion, she can turn her head, to face the direction, and point her video camera at the object.
2. Missing: Zoe%20The%20Robot%20082601.JPG Future Upgrades for Zoe.
1. Interface to GPS sensor
2. Interface to magnetic compass sensor
3. Software for image recognition through video camera
4. Improvements to the Chat Bot to speed up database searches
5. Arms

3. Zoe The Robot Left side view
4. ZoeTheRobot View from left rear
5. Zoe The Robot Rear View
6. ZoeTheRobot View from right rear
7. Missing  Zoe%20The%20Robot%20082606.JPG    Right Side
8. ZoeTheRobot View from right front
9. Zoe The Robot Front View
10. ZoeTheRobot Left View
11. Zoe The Robot View from right rear
12. ZoeTheRobot View from rear.
13. ZoeTheRobot Right Side
14. Zoe The Robot Left Side
15. Zoe The Robot Front from above

Zoe the robot was built to eventually become fully autonomous. Her main drive motors can be controlled by a remote control (Hobby RC transmitter) or by flipping a switch, she can be controlled by programs running on her internal Windows computer.

Zoe The Robot Photos